Harryville Community Garden, Ballymena
Project Category: Landscape Design; Community Garden
Project Description:
According the Federation of City Farms and Community Gardens in Britain the benefits of a garden to the local community are manifold, providing "productive, creative, safe, high quality open spaces." The community of Harryville were eager to create their own garden for these purposes. We helped them identify a previously un(der)-used section of Wakehurst Park for the new garden and our plan is aimed at maximizing the space for community growing and horticulture within it.
The garden design has crammed in a host features and spaces for a diverse range of food products including a polytunnel, raised planters, herb gardens, fruit garden and a forest garden. In addition, it includes other essential features (e.g. portacabin, benches, picnic tables, etc.) needed to deliver a high-quality garden that the community can be proud of.